Thursday, May 29, 2008

For those who didn't know...

Well, if anyone has taken some time to check or thought "What happened to Trisha's Puerto Rico journey?", you may not be too suprised to find out that I ended the trip a bit shorter than planned. I did have an amazing time and knocked out a good amount of goals from my list. I suppose I will have to go back again to finish the rest.

Since I've been home, it's been an incredible rollercoaster. Unfortunately more downs then ups, but that is only a sign that good is on its way! As far as the downs go, I was traveling in Florida and got MRSA (which is the crazy staph infection). I ended up having to get an emergency surgery and while recovering from it I developed a blood clot! Phew, I won't even dare ask if it could get worse :) Although, I somehow became an insomniac through all this and haven't slept in days! So I guess it can get worse...

As far as the ups go, I accepted a great job down in Clearwater, FL. I will be teaching Spanish to 3rd, 6th, 7th and 8th graders at a small private school!! I can't wait to get to know my students and be challenged and refreshed from teaching again! I have found a great apartment and plan on moving down there in the middle of July to get settled before school starts in August.

For now, I will change the name of the blog, hopefully get some sleep and then plan what I should do in June. I was thinking Red Wood Forest? Or maybe Seattle again? Maybe I should just love living in Asheville for the next month and soak this precious time up! I guess we'll see as the journey continues...

Oh, btw, I felt inclined to add some pics of my pancake size bruises. Then my censor kicked in and said "most of your friends haven't seen you in a long time, don't gross everyone out"- so I decided not to add them, but if anyone is interested I have some of the craziest brusies I've ever seen from the blood clot injections! on that note, I'm off!

love to all. trisha