Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I am writing because for the first time in the past year I will be home for the entire month! Despite the fact that I am moving residence in June, it is me myself and I enjoying what it means to have routine and not go to my suit case to pick out something to wear (even if I still haven't done laundry in 2 suitcases yet:).

Asheville is a wonderful place to be for a full month. The weather outside right now is absolutely GORGEOUS! The mountians are green and remind me of the great Creator. The potential to go on a hike or skip in the grass with no shoes- something you can't do in Florida- makes me feel alive. To sleep in my own bed, even if it is covered in things from my last trip, is such a good and cozy thing.

Oh no, I just remembered, I am going to Knoxville this weekend. So much for the month home. Maybe I can cancel, no I can't. Well, maybe I will post from Knoxville.

Just a quick run down, this is where I've been, sans posting:

Tampa, Denver, Winston-Salem, Charlotte, Englewood, New York, Atlanta, and Madrid- just to name a few.

Oh- if you are reading this, take a deep breath and appreciate whatever place you call home- there's nothing like it!