Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Green is very apparent everywhere you go here in Santiago and in Galicia in general. It is known as the greenest place in Spain due to its weather. Everything is very lush to say the least. It started raining yesterday around 3:00 and has yet to stop! I´m not talking the Pacific NY kind of steady, hard, mist. I´m talking downpouring rain. For some reason we thought today would be a good day to take a leisurely hour to stroll to the mall on the opposite side of town. Yes, it poured the whole time. Yes, we were soaked, but yes, we did have fun. We decided the mall was a good place for the Compostelans to go because it gave them a chance to be out together even though it rains all the time. Over all is was a very modern mall and had a TON of great stores. We only saw about half of them before we hit a wall and need to sit andget some chocolate con churros. In Spain, the month of July is know as the month of sales. Every single store you go into has at least half of their goods on sale for 30-70% off. It´s a ridiculously amazing. I gor my eyebrows waxed for 2.80 euros! Very exciting!!

Okay, back to the green issue. I can´t speak for the rest of Spain, but at least in Santiago the town is insanely ¨green minded¨ in the ecological sense. On the streets at the edge of the old town, there are seperate recycling canisters for everything you can imagine, including organic waste! In the halls, rooms and bathrooms, of nearly all buildings, there are motion sensors to turn the lights on and timers to turn them off (a little inconvinent when you are on the toilet). People are very touchy when you have the lights on in the daytime at all. The sun rises at about 6:30(I´m guessing) and it doesn´t set till like 10, not counting the rainy days of course. So overall think of how much money and energy they´re saving!

Overall, I´m a fan. I do wish the rain would stop before Friday though...that´s the day of the biggest Festival in Santiago. They shoot off a ton of fireworks and have a light show and burn down a fake Moorish facade in front of the Cathedral, but I don´t know what happens when it rains? Hmmmm, I guess we´ll see :) For now I´m off...

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