Friday, July 10, 2009

Pontevedra...the solo journey.

Well, after waking up in our super cool Moon Hotel this morning, we decided it was best to part ways for a bit. It has worked out that there wasn´t quite as much time as I was hoping for to walk the camino, and also, I´ve been fighting this sore throat/cold thing for the past few days and decided to stay back from the 4 days of walking. So, that left me a little lost as to what I should do. After Joey and I parted ways (which was sorta sad), I hopped a train to a little town called Pontevedra. It´s pretty here. There is this great bridge I get to walk across to get into town from my hostel. The river that ends here in the town is beautiful and is set infront of amazing mountians. The whole journey through Galicia has proven over and over again that some of the best mountian views are here! Tomorrow´s plan is where the excitement comes in... There are 3 islands that are natural parks of the coast and I am planning on busing down to Vigo and taking a boat to one or two of them!! :) I love boats, I love water and most of all, I LOVE ISLANDS!! After that adventure I will be sure to post photos from it (and the past week). For now, I am off to stroll around this little town and then get ready for my day in the sun tomorrow. (Joey, if you read this, I am bitter that you have the sunscreen now that I packed) And I guess that means I am off to buy some sunscreen as well. Skin-cancer free in España :) Trisha


Anonymous said...

Hola Trisha,

Como andas? No andas por el camino, parece. Supongo que Pepe lo quizo hacer porque sera probablemente su unica oportunidad.

Que tengas buen viaje.

El padre de Pepe

Joey said...

Haha, oh well guapa, I am sure you can scrounge some up. Nos vemos bastante pronto, estoy en Pontedeume. Intento a dormir en Miño o si siento increible Betanzos.



trisha said...

Hola el padre de Pepe ;)

Pues, si. Estoy solita, pero bien. No se si fue una idea mala o buena a no caminar...pero no puedo regresar. Voy a escribir un poco de mi dia en Vigo y las islas aqui.

Chao chao.